Friday, 9 January 2015

Haiku Trilogy

 I. It is when the light comes out of your eyes
That you know more is at work.

II. More than physics this,
More than matter here
In the light shining through you.

III. Ghosts take many different forms.
They curl in smoke,
Morph in cloud
Turn in stone.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Failing Breath

When stilled and done of mortal breath
There will remain the wisp of smoke the burst of light
The fragrance sweet the dance of flame
The deeds of day the dreams of night
Look and listen while yet you may

Journey on and live your days
In patient love one with another
Remember all that's been and done
And all that which has yet to come.

Mother love sustain through grace
This battered home this broken place
This body scarred this air disturbed
The damage wrought the life perturbed
Keep us close to you this day

And we will find again the thread
And share the wine and break the bread
And keep to heart the sacred vow
All through the night till morning come

Vincent Di Stefano
December 2011